Thursday , December 19 2024
Low-calorie snacks (Part I)

Low-calorie snacks (Part I)

Low-calorie snacks: You may feel hungry during the day and between the main meals. The point to consider is to choose snacks that do not have a lot of calories, reduce hunger but do not gain weight.

Low-calorie snacks: Ice cream

Low-calorie snacks You should be surprised to see ice cream in the low-calorie snack list. But half a cup of ice cream has about 100 calories, which is considered a low-calorie snack. Most of the ingredients in half a cup of ice cream are:

Saturated fat: 2 g

Sodium: 45 mg

Cholesterol: 20 mg

Carbohydrate: 15 g

Low-calorie snacks: Popcorn

Low-calorie snacks If you need a large snack with low calorie, we recommend popcorn. 6 cup of popcorn contains only 100 calories. The fiber is rich in this snack and it helps you  to stay alive for a long time. Major components of the popcorn include:

Saturated fat: 0.5%

Sodium: 220 mg

Cholesterol: 0 mg

Carbohydrate: 24 g

Fiber: 6 grams

Low-calorie snacks: Crispy Bread with Cheese

Low-calorie snacks A Slice of Crispy Bread with Cheese can be a good snack. The fiber in it can keep you fresh for a longer time. One Piece of Crispy Bread with Cheese include:

Saturated fat: 1.2 g

Sodium: 397 mg

Cholesterol: 7 mg

Low-calorie snacks: 14 almonds

Low-calorie snacks Almonds are a great snack, contain fiber and protein and reduce hunger. Almonds contain less than 100 calories. It contains:

Saturated Fat: 0.63 g

Sodium: 0 mg

Cholesterol: 0 mg

A baked apple

Low-calorie snacks Apples are still one of the healthiest snack foods. It is recommended to enjoy cooked apples as snacks. Cooked apples are a tasty dessert and can provide you with the vitamins and fiber needed between meals. You can add some cinnamon without increasing the amount of calories to make it tastier. This healthy snack contains:

Saturated fat: 0 g

Sodium: 2 mg

Cholesterol: 0 mg

In the next article, we will look at the other low calorie snacks.

Collected By
Dr. Sara Bakhshaei

About Sara Bakhshaei

Dr Sara Bakhshaei ParsiTeb Company Researcher
Dr Sara Bakhshaei is a PhD. graduate Agroecologist from the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. She has done researches in some agricultural and health fields such as Plant Ecology, Agroecology, Data Analysis, Crop production, LCA and Pharmaceutical effects of medicinal plants. She completed her researches as an Internship period in IFF institute(Institute of Social Ecology) in Vienna, Austria. Since 2016 she works as a senior researcher at Parsiteb herbal pharmaceutical company. She has 8 years of work experience as a university lecturer in Iran and published more than 100 articles in her research fields. Now she continues her study in the field of Phytomedicine at the Boku University of Vienna.

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