Diet & Nutrition

red meat and colon cancer

red meat and colon cancer

High meat consumption and the expanding use of grain as feed can cause damage in the human realm. Medically, nutritionists believe that a diet rich in animal products contributes to a variety of maladies. Economically, middle-income developing countries that have attempted to provide urban dwellers with cheap meat too often …

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side effects caused by the food we eat

side effects caused by the food we eat

10 Food Side Effects You May Not Know When you feel like eating something, what comes to mind first? For me it’s the purely the taste. Then my inner-brain kicks in and thoughts of portion size, calories, fats, & sugars, slowly convince me to make a smart choice. Weight gain …

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water therapy

water therapy

Introduction: Drink six (6) glasses of water (1.5 liters) everyday and avoid medicine, tablets, injections, diagnosis, doctor fees, etc. You can never believe before practicing. List of Diseases That Can Be Cure By Water Therapy: * Blood Pressure/Hyper Tension. * Anemia (Blood Shortage). * Rheumatism (Pain in joints/muscles). * General …

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turkey consumption improves energy levels

turkey consumption improves energy levels

Turkey is the traditional meat used for Christmas dinner.  The history of this festive food dates back to 1526 when William Strickland introduced this meat to the UK.  Following this introduction the popularity of turkey has skyrocketed and during Christmas 2008 approximately 10 million turkeys were consumed in the UK.  …

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ostrich meat as a healthier alternative to beef

ostrich meat as a healthier alternative to beef

Are you trying to eat healthier? You’re not alone. More people are trying to clean up their diets these days as studies show that diet plays an important role in health and longevity. Recent medical research has shown that eating conventional red meat such as beef can increase overall mortality …

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What is Niacin And Niacinamide?

What is Niacin And Niacinamide?

What other names is Niacin And Niacinamide (vitamin B3) known by? 3-Pyridine Carboxamide, 3-Pyridinecarboxylic Acid, Acide Nicotinique, Anti-Blacktongue Factor, Antipellagra Factor, B Complex Vitamin, Niacina y Niacinamida, Niacine, Niacinamide, Nicamid, Nicosedine, Nicotinamide, Nicotinic Acid, Nicotinic Acid Amide, Nicotylamidum, Pellagra Preventing Factor, Vitamin B3, Vitamin PP, Vitamina B3, Vitamine B3. What …

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natural sweeteners instead sugar

natural sweeteners instead sugar

Agave syrup, stevia, honey and other natural sweeteners are all the rage these days, as more people worry that white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are making them gain weight and increasing their risk for type 2 diabetes. But are natural sweeteners really any better than plain baking sugar? A …

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Drink plenty of water in the summer

Drink plenty of water in the summer

Stay Healthy During the Summer Staying healthy during the summer months requires more than just eating the right foods. Below is a partial list of things to do that will help you stay cool and healthy during the hot summer months.      1.       Drink plenty of water. It …

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take more vitamin D

take more vitamin D

New Guidelines Suggest Higher Doses of Vitamin D Endocrine Society Says Vitamin D Deficiency May Be Common in U.S. June 6, 2011 — Noting that vitamin D deficiency is “very common in all age groups,” new treatment guidelines call for many Americans to take more vitamin D than is currently …

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