Saturday , September 21 2024
Skin changes during pregnancy

Skin changes during pregnancy (Part II)

Skin changes during pregnancy: In the previous article, we investigated some of the common skin changes during pregnancy. In this article, we are looking at the other groups of changes.

Skin changes during pregnancy: Acne

Skin changes during pregnancy As we mentioned in the previous article, hormonal changes will increase the activity of the fatty gland. This increase in skin fat may cause acne. To prevent acne you can use appropriate cleansing agents for oily skin and wash it twice a day with a suitable detergent solution.

Skin changes during pregnancy: Varicose

In the previous article, it was noted that during pregnancy, the body produces more blood. Increased blood supply may increase varicose veins, especially in the legs, due to increased blood flow in the blood vessels. Of course, the varicose veins are inherited and do not appear at all.

Skin changes during pregnancyConsidering the following points, you can reduce the chance of having varicose veins:

– Do not stand for a long time.

– Walk at least one hour and a half. This helps to improve blood circulation in the body.

– When you sit on a chair, be sure to use the underarms that do not hang on your legs.

– Do not sit for a long time and change your situation.

– If you have a hereditary appearance of varicose veins, use anti-varicose socks to prevent it.

– Take enough vitamin C. This vitamin helps the veins maintain their elasticity.Skin changes during pregnancy

– Hold your legs above your head for about half an hour to keep up the excess blood in your legs while lying down.

American pregnancy association

Collected By
Dr. Sara Bakhshaei

About Sara Bakhshaei

Dr Sara Bakhshaei ParsiTeb Company Researcher
Dr Sara Bakhshaei is a PhD. graduate Agroecologist from the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. She has done researches in some agricultural and health fields such as Plant Ecology, Agroecology, Data Analysis, Crop production, LCA and Pharmaceutical effects of medicinal plants. She completed her researches as an Internship period in IFF institute(Institute of Social Ecology) in Vienna, Austria. Since 2016 she works as a senior researcher at Parsiteb herbal pharmaceutical company. She has 8 years of work experience as a university lecturer in Iran and published more than 100 articles in her research fields. Now she continues her study in the field of Phytomedicine at the Boku University of Vienna.

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