Breakfast is undeniably the most important meal of the day because it provides us with the energy needed to work throughout the day.

Eating a healthy breakfast is linked to having better memory and ability to concentrate more in your tasks in addition to the fact that it keeps you healthy, which is why choosing the right foods to eat in the morning is so important.
Here are 10 best foods to eat in the morning.
1. Eggs

It has been proven that eating eggs in the morning will help you feel fuller throughout the day making your calorie intake less at your next meal.
Though they are high in cholesterol, in most people, they do not increase cholesterol levels in the body. In fact, they reduce your chances of getting heart disease by modifying the shape of bad cholesterol and improving your insulin sensitivity.
Eggs boost your metabolism and especially help you shed more fat around your belly area. The yolks prevent fat absorption while providing you with iron, Vitamin A and B-12.
2. Coffee

It is common practice for a lot of people to have coffee in the morning with the belief that it helps keep them awake. Well, if you are one of those people, you will be glad to know that coffee does indeed keep you alert and improves your overall mental performance.
Taking black coffee in the morning helps boost memory power and keeps the nerves in check.
The amount of caffeine in coffee has also been proven to improve your mood and increase your metabolic rate in addition to the fact that for people who like to exercise, it increases their performance during workouts.
Antioxidants rich in coffee decrease your chances of getting diabetes and liver disease. Coffee can also help clean your stomach by flushing out toxins as it is a diuretic beverage.
3. Sweet potatoes
They make for the perfect breakfast addition as they are packed with both minerals and vitamins. Eating just one already means you have taken some vitamin A, B6, vitamin C, E, and vitamin K, all of which are necessary for good health.

Sweet potatoes also contain fiber, manganese, phosphorous, copper and riboflavin. All these play a big role in keeping your blood sugar stable, promoting good eyesight, helping you out in case you are on a weight loss journey and enhancing your overall immunity.
The best thing about sweet potatoes is that they can be eaten by almost everyone regardless of their dietary restrictions.
4. Oatmeal

If you are into eating cereals for breakfast, then oatmeal is the best for you. Oatmeal is made from ground oats that are very healthy as they contain oat beta-glucan, which is a unique fiber.
This fiber keeps you from feeling hungry and reduces your cholesterol. The antioxidants present in oats generally decrease the chances of getting high blood pressure and keep your heart healthy.
They support the cells in the circulatory system as well. Oats easily make for a balanced breakfast as they can be served alongside other foods that are good for you in the morning.
5. Berries

Other than being delicious, berries are rich in antioxidants and relatively contain lower sugar compared to other fruits. They are very rich in fibre and reduce inflammation markers.
From just a cup of raspberries, for example, you can get as much fibre as you can get in certain types of beans. The antioxidants in berries help you age better other than protecting your heart.
Eating mixed berries every morning could give you higher levels of good cholesterol required by your body and could also lower your blood pressure.
6. Other fruit
You’ve probably been advised countless times to eat lots of fruit since you were younger, because other than just being delicious, fruit is very nourishing. Well, starting your day by incorporating fruit in what you eat in the morning has many health benefits.

Fruit is rich in vitamins, fiber and potassium other than being very filling. The natural sugars present in fruit are just what you need to wake up your body and keep your brain sharp and energized.
Making it a habit to eat fruit regularly significantly reduces your chances of getting chronic diseases.
7. Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt is creamy and full of protein which is known to reduce feelings of hunger. It helps in weight control as it increases your metabolic rate.

The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) contained in it can reduce the risk of getting breast cancer other than just increasing fat loss. Greek yogurt is also a great source of calcium which is a requirement for healthy bones.
The probiotics present in Greek yogurt help keep the bacterial balance in your gut healthy.
Eating Greek yogurt in the morning is also good because the acidity present in it will make it easier for your body to absorb the rest of the other nutrients it needs.
8. Chia seeds

They are known to be a great source of fibre. The viscous fibre in chia seeds usually increases the volume of food that moves through your digestive system because it absorbs water.
This means that eating chia seeds will help you feel satisfied longer. They also improve blood sugar and blood pressure and are highly recommended for people with diabetes.
Eating them also reduces chances of inflammation and the high antioxidants in them will help keep the cells in your body protected from free radicals produced during metabolism.
9. Nuts
They are very tasty and filling which helps prevent weight gain.

They may be high in calories but your body does not absorb all the fat present in nuts. They are high in potassium and magnesium which you need. Eating nuts is good for diabetic people as they reduce blood sugar levels.
They also reduce cholesterol levels, decrease inflammation and insulin resistance. Other studies have shown that eating nuts could also protect you from certain types of cancer.
10. Green tea

Drinking tea is generally good for you because certain teas have many health benefits. Teas are great because they are flavored but still add fluid to your body.
If you are looking to improve your alertness and mood throughout the day, then you should consider taking green tea. Aside from reducing blood sugar levels and insulin levels as well, drinking green tea can also protect your brain from damage and keeps your nervous system safe.
Green tea contains catechins, which are phytonutrients. The catechins help you burn more calories. This is great particularly for people trying to lose belly fat and it will also generally stop you from gaining weight.
Reference: Healthychameleon
Collected by: Dr. Sara Bakhshaei